You can see every transaction happening in your account with great visibility and usability. You can easily filter Transactions on the basis of Time (All-Time, Today, Past 7 days, etc.), related to a particular Event or All Events and status of Attendee Payments Status. You can also download all the Transaction Data from the Transaction Tab.
Note: You will only see all the transaction belongs to the attendees.
Steps to follow:
1. Login or sign-in to your Townscript account.
2. Go to the Transactions.
- Go to the top right corner, click on the Profile Icon.
Click on Organizing Events and select Billing from the drop-down menu.
Click on the Transactions tab on the Billing Page.
Note: Under Payouts Tab you can see and change your payout time and see details of amount credited to your account, pending amount, download all your invoices by filtering them on basis of Time (Like today, tomorrow, last week and more) and under KYC Details tab you can enter your Basic and Bank Details to safely receive your payouts on time.
- Filter your transaction on basis of payment status of the attendee.(If you are allowing offline payment options will be paid, offline pending, offline paid and more)
Filter Transactions on the basis of a Particular Event or All Events.
Filter Transactions on the basis of Time (All-Time, Today, Past 7 days, etc.).
Tips: For download, your transaction data click on Download Transaction List button, Available on top left corner.