Our Analytics tool gives you the power to handle all of that data through greater visibility and usability, so you can make more informed decisions for future events. With the tool, you can focus on sales or attendees over a period of time, related to a specific event or all events and filter data based on various options (like Net Earnings Summary, Ticket Type, Discounts, Refunds, and Cancellations, etc.)
Steps to follow:
1. Login or sign-in to your Townscript account.
2. See the Reports Tab.
- Click on the Reports Option on the Top navigation header bar.
Here, you can see sales based on every event. Also, you can analyze your data by graphs and bars.
- Filter data for a particular event. Click on all event drop-down and select an event to see data.
- To filter data based on specific time click on time tabs(Today, Tomorrow, This week, This year, This Financial year and Custom for select dates)
- Download the graph and bar view charts.