You can now successfully track the number of visitors to your event page with the help of Google analytics integration on Townscript event page. It’s a great way to monitor your page’s visibility & reach to the mass audience. We have the option to attach your Google analytics pixel on your booking page and your success page very easily. The above clear demarcation helps in identifying how many of your leads have been converted into customers.

Steps to follow:

1. Log or sign-in to your Townscript account

2. Select the desired event which you want to attach your pixel.

  • Click on the desired event

  • The setting menu (left bottom corner)

  • Go on settings for your website option

3. Integrate your Google analytics Pixel on the event page.

Tips: How to get your google analytics tracking code: Click here

  • Paste your Google Analytics pixel on booking page as well as success page depending on what type of traffic you want to track (Visitors/ Conversions)

Your Google Analytics Pixel is successfully integrated into your Townscript event page. You can check your event page traffic in your real-time google analytics view.

Note: If you are already tracking conversions from your website and you also want to track conversions via your event page, Redirect visitor to your websites booking success page. So, that all conversions happen from Townscript event pages are also get stored in your analytics.