What features do I get to use?
For any virtual venue room you subscribe you will get access to all the features available on the Townscript Live platform.
The features include -
- Live camera video/audio streaming and screen sharing
- Activate Q and A session with your audience
- Invite attendee on the stage (Upto 6 attendees)
How is the event extension cost calculated? What does extra attendee/min rate mean?
In case you extend your event while it is live, the extended event duration will be charged at the rate of INR 0.20 /min/attendee. For example: You have 70 attendees on the event and the event is extended by 10 mins, then you will be get a bill for 70*10*0.2 = 140 INR.
You will receive this bill for event extension post the event via email.
How do I pay for the event extension bill?
Please contact our customer support.
Can I extend the event duration while the event is live?
Yes. The event will be extended automatically and the event will continue until you are hosting the event.
Can the event capacity/duration be increased later?
Yes. Please contact our customer support and they will help you increase your event capacity/duration. You will have to pay the balance online. This facility is available only until beginning of the event.
Event cancellation policy for virtual venue subscription:
You can cancel your event any time and get a 90% refund on the virtual venue subscription. The cancellation policy for any sold tickets can be accessed here.
Can I decrease the event capacity / downgrade the virtual venue plan?
No. You won’t be able to downgrade the plan.